Sunday, January 01, 2006

Long time no see...

My last post was on Eid day, i had been thinking to post something but did not find anything special to post here.

Exams finished 2 weeks back, and right after that my Internship at PSO started.

Did 9 projects at RAC, the 9th one i did last night and it was pretty simple one.

Started playing with php. I will post "Installing php5 running IIS" right after this post. I started php with Zend enginer, which is not doubt the best php IDE, but I decided to do it on my own, and uninstalled Zend Engine. Tried few times following steps given on various websites. Only the last one worked perfectly.


  1. Why would you want PHP to go with IIS? and not Apache, which is much more stable.

  2. will try php and Apache combination sometime later ;)
